Innovations that transform workplaces

From strategic insight to great workplace experiences
We gain unique operational insights from our own people, day in, day out. By combining these insights with the latest market trends and data from our facility management system, FMS@ISS, we can provide you with strategic advice on how to get the most value out of your facilities – and then bring those strategies to life, back on the ground, via our own committed, trained and empowered workforce.
Partnering for innovation
Building smarter, more innovative workplaces
Boosting performance with technology
Gaining knowledge, reducing cost and raising quality
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Digital tracking and benchmarking to make places work – and think
With FMS@ISS, our facility management system, as well as Internet of Things (IoT) technology, we are using data to connect people and places – and offer our customers strategic advice on how to get the most value out of facilities by increasing agility, reliability and transparency.
Learn moreExplore our services we offer
Stories about people, places and planet

Creating a safer workplace with PURE SPACE