investor relations

Capital structure

The primary priority for our capital structure is to ensure a strong and efficient balance sheet and liquidity position to support operational needs and financial flexibility for execution of our strategic objectives, while maintaining investment grade rating.

Capital structure

Current credit ratings for ISS A/S

ISS has an Investment Grade rating from the two largest global credit rating agencies, Moody’s and S&P. ISS maintains a close relationship with the agencies by providing continuous and relevant information to the agencies on an ongoing basis.

Rating agencyCorporate ratingOutlookDateDownload
S&P Global Ratings BBB Stable Outlook 23 May 2024Download
Moody's Investor Service Baa3 Positive Outlook 7 November 2024Download
© by Standard & Poor's, A Division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Reproduced with permission of Standard & Poor's. Standard & Poor's Ratings Services is a global leader in objective, insightful risk analyses and evaluations of the creditworthiness of issuers worldwide. For more information on Standard & Poor's ratings, products and services, visit:

© Copyright 2006, Moody's Investors Service, Inc. and/or its licensors including Moody's Assurance Company Inc. (together "MOODY'S"). All rights reserved. For more information on Moody's ratings, products and services, visit: 

Information for bond holders

Financial reports for ISS Global A/S

ISS Global A/S is a subsidiary of ISS A/S


By clicking the link to see more information, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions which can be read on the link below. 

EMTN bonds

ISS’s funding is mainly comprised by issued bonds with fixed interest rates

Issued bonds (fixed interest rate)Nominal interest rateCurrencyMaturityNominal value in EUR million

Capital allocation

We will stringently allocate capital by fulfilling four clear ambitions in prioritised order:

1. Maintaining an investment grade rating

Adhere to financial leverage target of net debt of 2.0-2.5x pro forma adjusted EBITDA and maintain investment grade rating.

2. Dividends

Pay dividend with commitment of an annual payout ratio of 20-40% of adjusted net profit for the financial year.

3. Investments

Value-creating investments in the form of M&A or enhancements of existing business.

4. Share buyback

Distribute excess cash through share buyback programmes.

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