young Female leaders event
Challenges for Young Female Leaders in Organisations
Join us for an open and inspiring knowledge sharing opportunity
At ISS, we have ambitious gender balance goals, and we aim at having 40 % gender balance in corporate leadership by 2025. This goal calls for new ways of thinking and a dedicated, proactive approach to our talent management, training and development efforts. Therefore, we invite young female talents to take part in an open conversation about what potential barriers and challenges you as female graduates face when entering today’s labour market. What would it take to overcome these, and what can we as an employer actively do to address that and support your future aspirations?
Meet Birgitte
Birgitte Baadegaard is a well-known subject matter expert with 20+ experience in the field of inclusion and diversity and is a renowned author of several successful books with her latest book being “Lige er ikke det samme som ens”. Birgitte helps companies and organisations create better results through diversity focus and career development. She believes it is possible to create stronger organisations, improved innovation, and better economic results by working with and changing our traditional business mindset on the Danish job market. Brigitte’s mission is to create further attention to the culture that both formally and informally exists in an organisation which can either strengthen or weaken communication and cooperation between the genders.
18 January 2023
16:00 - 19:00
Buddingevej 197, 2860 Søborg