Integrated facilities management

Making places more efficient and sustainable

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ISS brings comprehensive, best-in-class services to buildings and assets with our Integrated Facilities Management (IFM) solution. As a strategic partner, ISS helps you achieve total operational confidence by consistently meeting and exceeding performance expectations. We earn that trust with self-delivered solutions that maximize the lifetime of your investments. Our IFM solution is driven by data insights that mitigate downtime, support preventative maintenance, and actuate unceasing improvement.

Centralized Services

Self-delivery model

An IFM solution from ISS centralizes technical services within the FM solution and minimizes the need for outside contractors. Through a self-delivery model, ISS coordinates all building operations and maintenance (O&M). Depending on our client’s scope, up to 80% of services are performed by an ISS trained professional. Dedicated to consistently increasing performance and quality, ISS supports a continuous improvement process with client satisfaction surveys and reports.

Account dedicated placemakers

Our account dedicated placemakers have the tools and resources to achieve the highest standard of quality. By self-performing the majority of services, ISS can track performance and prompt training when an employee misses the mark—increasing reliability and efficiency.

Demand driven variable support with SMEs

Capital improvement projects or major repairs that require specialized equipment or know-how are no match for our highly trained Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) who work to meet unique challenges across your portfolio.


Centralized teams can collect the critical data necessary to benchmark asset lifecycle costs. With consistent key and critical performance metrics, ISS can identify cost savings overtime. Don’t get caught off-guard by costly, reactive repairs.

Data Driven Sustainability

With continuous data streams, our IFM solution provides insights that allow you to reduce building energy usage and take control of sustainability initiatives. Gain visibility with usage sensors in areas like bathrooms to pinpoint high-traffic areas and limit service to low-traffic areas.

Safety & Security

The global Covid-19 pandemic has altered what makes people feel safe in public places.

ISS utilizes sensors in high traffic areas to bring exceptional cleanliness to facilities with real-time metrics, so employees and guests never consider their health or safety to be at risk.

By self-performing services, our IFM solution reduces the amount of people that come into the facility, making employees and guests feel safe and secure.  

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NAM - Integrated Facilities - IFM

Our IFM Solution

Technical Services

Our full-scale technical services program brings centralized operation and expertise to the following services:

  • Critical Environment Operations
  • HVAC Operations and Maintenance
  • Electrical Distribution
  • Building Management System (BMS) Operations
  • Quality Management System Program Management
  • Fire Protection Operations and Maintenance
  • Property Maintenance

We ensure the quality and performance of our technical services through a robust Sourcing and Procurement (S&P) vendor program, a vast inventory of technical services best-practice performance metrics, and technical services performance analytics (e.g., Lost Time Incident Rate) technician productivity, PM/CM ratio). Our global presence allows us to gather data worldwide and apply those insights broadly and effectively. Extensive procurement networks allow ISS to serve a global customer base with regional authenticity.

SME support mechanisms
Our Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) support each account with critical expertise. SMEs provide expertise and guidance on specific account strategy, while a global SME support structure allows SMEs to fill gaps where needed - elevating expertise across accounts.

Cleaning Services

ISS offers extensive cleaning services that serve the new normal and go beyond expectations. We use real-time data to evaluate cleanliness and ensure surfaces are clean enough to operate in medical environments. We keep the following environments clean and safe so that you can move your business forward:

  • Workplace
  • Laboratory
  • Clean room
  • Food safety
  • Hospitality and events
  • Manufacturing
  • Aviation
Costing and Productivity

As a strategic partner, ISS is dedicated to helping you make the right decision for your business. Investing in the right assets is critical when moving forward with a capital improvement project. ISS can help provide the information you need to make the best decision:

  • Benchmark asset lifecycle costs
  • Identify cost savings
  • Estimate future labor costs with key and critical performance metrics
Asset Lifecycle Management Program

We protect building assets that keep properties functional, comfortable, and safe:

  • Reliability-centered maintenance (RCM) Program
  • Condition-based maintenance (CBM) Program
  • Predictive maintenance (PdM) Program
  • Computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) Configuration and Utilization
  • Meeting Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) requirements
Energy and Sustainability Services

Energy program management: The IFM solution from ISS can help shape a comprehensive energy and sustainability program for portfolios or single facilities. We manifest our commitment to environmental sustainability by helping businesses reach sustainable energy usage in several ways:

  • Energy & Sustainability program development and governance
  • Demand-side optimization and spend reduction
  • Fault Detection & Diagnostic
Workplace Design

Our workplace experts can help design your workplace for the new normal.

  • Improved post-Covid seating and “flow”
  • Review of hard and soft surfaces for most hygienic choices
Smiling businesspeople working around a table

Why ISS?

ISS is a dedicated partner, committed to tailoring your integrated facilities management solution to suit your needs, but there are other reasons you should work with us, too.

Our corporate responsibility to environmental sustainability, diversity and inclusion, philanthropy, and HSEQ are just a few ways ISS is committed to our people and communities.

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